Evolutionists are Blind to Facts

This was a responce to one of my videos on a lecture at my creation group by Anthropologist David Phillipps MA showing how unscientific and rediculous Bill Nye the phony science guy was in the debate with Ken Ham, who did not point all the fallacies in Nye's argument.

http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2014/02/04/271648691/watch-the-creationism-vs-evolution-debate-bill-nye-and-ken-hamFeb 4, 2014 ... Bill Nye, left, and Ken Ham take the stage to debate evolution and ... The debate saw Nye and Ham discussing natural laws and scientific theories

My video of Dave Phillips Lecture: Anthropologist vs Bill Nye : 

I am actually very flattered that you would take the time to post an "article" about me on your funny little blog. Of course, it would be far more flattering if you were a more educated person.
My answer: I have published several peer reviewed technical science papers on dinosaur tracks I found, I have published two books with references from NASA, geologic survey, university thesis papers, New Scientist, etc. on paleontology, archaeology, meteoritics, history, politics. 

I have helped excavate dinosaurs, archaeology, and discovered new sites, and discovered meteorites and carters in a few places. I studied radio and television at Pasadena City College got a degree, then went on to take public relations at Cal State University Fullerton with some courses on archaeology, geology, and feature article writing. I attended paleontology, geology, archaeology, and several creation science groups for many decades. I founded two creation science groups. I have been to almost all fossil sites in California and some in Texas, Pennsylvania, Minneapolis, Utah, Texas, Arizona, and Wyoming. I have collected UFO reports and found some artifacts. I was in a movie on Noah's Ark, and on a television program. 

I lead many fossil field trips. I had a radio program on two radio stations, published a magazine. Wrote hundreds of advertisements in magazines, radio spots, made hundreds of videos of all kinds, was a square dance caller, and vocalist and know hundreds of songs, and I acted in the Pilgrimage Play where many stars got their start. Did I forget something? Worked as a printer. I have managed and run a gardening service for 45 years. I was into mail order selling Venus Fly Traps ,a chess by mail club all over the world, had a movie star as a member. Published a science magazine Mysteryology and chess magazine Chessology. I cast painted replicas of the Berlin Archaeopteryx, Eichstätt Archaeopteryx, Compsognathus dinosaur, and a marine reptile. I sold hundreds them all over the world. One of my Berlin Archaeopteryx is in the California State University's paleontology museum at Berkley. I have edited and wrote articles every day for many years on all kinds of subjects for Biblical Science News.


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