Biden's Fact Thin Speech

       All Presidents have had press conferences, and reporters ask questions afterwards.

       Biden has had none. Just like he did no campaigning. And he delayed the State of the Union. And he refuses to answer questions. The fact is he can’t answer questions because he can’t talk spontaneously, he only reads.

There was a video of him talking at a drive-in theater. And someone moved the camera to show that he was reading word for word from a large theatre screen to a small audience sitting in cars.

And he cannot tell the truth, and he would stumble and contradict himself like he did in the debate. “I will not stop fracking.” A few minutes later, “I will stop the fracking.”

When asked a question by Trump about Hunter Biden, Biden said, “Shut up. Oh man!”

The reason is, Biden has done nothing to tell us, except destroy our Republic with very BAD Executive Orders. He also signed more Executive Orders than any other President without reading them.

Richard Nixon started this by signing the Executive Order to create the Unconstitutional Environmental Protection Agency that is stealing private land and destroying ranchers, farmers, timber mills, mining, and then mismanaging these lands causing fires and disease prevented by businesses to protect their source of production.

When Biden was interviewed by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, before the election, Biden said, “A President that rules by Executive Orders is a Dictator.” Of course he was referring to Trump. and that he would not do that. Now he rules by Executive Orders.

       George Stephanopoulos is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations Illuminati, creating Fake News for the Marxist United Nations Agenda 21.

       Tonight Biden gave his first talk to the American people.

       He started by plagiarizing George W. Bush, “My fellow Americans.” I have heard Biden often plagiarizes from others.

The talk was a fantastic 23 minutes of boring descriptions of what Trump Administration did during the last year, which is coming into effect as the transition to Biden was occurring. Biden listed all the great things they have done, and claimed his administration did them, which was a LIE. Actually they have done NOTHING for the American people.

       And he outright lied when he said there were no vaccines when he came to office. The truth was there was no medical supplies when Obama and Biden left office.

Trump miraculously corrected that situation which experts said was impossible.

Then when the Pandemic struck, Trump created Operation Warp Speed that created the supplies and vaccines needed for the Pandemic which was a modern miracle of science.

Biden claims his administration made up for the lack of supplies. In two months? Remember that all experts said it would take 5 years to come up with a vaccine that could be delivered.

Biden said the most important thing for all of to do is defeat the virus. And come together. 

Then how come Democrats refuse to work with Republicans. 

During the speeches Trump gave in Congress the Democrats did not stand or clap, when all the Republicans did. Also all bills are either Constructional or Unconstitutional. Democrats always vote Unconstitutional, and Republicans vote Constitutional. With a few exceptions. You can see these voting records in New American Magazine on all Congressman and Senators. A good way to see who supports the rule of law, or lawlessness of socialism. Socialism is leadin toward the world government of the Antichrist. 

Biden said the most important thing is to defeat the virus.  And the Pandemic would be over soon if we work together. He said nothing about doing something about the riots led by Marxists. Or opening our schools, or churches. Or stopping the crisis he caused at the boarder. 

This is not only dangerous for Americans financially, and increase in crime. It is also a crisis for the millions pouring into our country which we cannot keep fed or housed. Or dropping them off in our cities to become homeless, then they have to steal and beg for food. 

This was also a lie, because he is responsible for encouraging illegal alien's from countries all over the world. And many are our enemies, and will include terrorists, spies, and organized crime. The invasion will keep increasing from hundreds to thousands a day. And there are too many unvetted carrying disease. These are super spreaders and will cause the spread of Covid. So Biden lied again. Remember when a reported called Trump a super-spreader? Which was a lie. However, Biden's Crisis at the boarder makes HIM a super-spreader.

Before the News Conference Biden wqas on television and said, "I will be giving an address to the nation. And you can ask questions." You guessed it, he LIED. Just like his boss Obama who said over and over, "If you like your doctor you can keep him." Liar liar liar!    

At the end of the speech, a reporter asked a question and Biden ignored him, and abruptly tuned around and walked away. We knew he would do that.

Trump gave long talks and answered all questions, unless the question was a deliberate trick question. Trump also knew if he did answer Fake News they would take it out of context and read things into it. Just like False Teachers do to the Bible.


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