Satanic Deception Throughout History

        People hear about the Renaissance, and the Reformation and do not know what they really mean.

 There has always been a war between God and Satan and their followers throughout history. This view has been suppressed by Satan’s agents as Conspiracy Theory through their control of cultural organizations and media. Even Henry Morris IV (Henry Morris Senior is one of the greatest theologians. But his grandson accused me of Conspiracy Theory, as did David Coppedge who was fired by NASA because of his involvement in creation science. (Of course Fake News and NASA lies about this.)

Satan has fooled people into believing that history is based on a random process of evolution. The truth is all of world history is HisStory the battle against Satan’s Conspiracy to enslave the world under Antichrist and his Marxist New World Order. And events are created by either good or evil. Depressions, wars, terrorism, crimes, inflation are planned.

I became aware of this when I realized that it takes money to have a war. No money no war. So who is funding wars? The International bankers. Rockefeller funded Hitler (An Ashkenazi Gentile Jew) and helped him get the poison gas to kill Sephardic Jews. J.P. Morgan my great grandfather was a Knights Templar Mason who caused the depression then bought failing businesses. And he made weapons and funded World War 1. Morgan used the Lusitania to illegally transport explosives and weapons. When a German submarine torpedoed it, the explosives in the ship exploded and it sank in 18 minutes killing 1198 civilians and crew, and was used as an excuse to go to war.

J.P. Morgan was also the owner of the Titanic which was not safe for passengers. This is a common crime where a builder cheapens the structure to increase profits. This was the same cause of the fall of the Narrows Bridge in Washington. The Bible warns money is the root of all evil. Congressmen and women, and Senatorrs accep bribes from libbyists. This was the difference between politicians and Trump who was an honest businessman. 

The banksters use war for political and financial gain.

Watergate was an attack on Nixon because he ended the Viet Nam war. The reason he spied on the Democrats is because they led him to believe they were planning something against him. It was a trap. When troops were withdrawn the Democrats led by Ted Kennedy pass a bill behind Nixon’s back to prevent troops from protecting the Vietnamese. So the Communists took over Viet Nam.

This is what we see going on today in the war between Christian American Patriots making the World Great Again, versus Pagan Socialist Humanist Satanists like Saul Alinsky and his Rules for Radicals with disciples including Obama, Hillary, and the teachers unions. The same ones who want to dumb down our children by keeping the schools closed. And when they open teach them global warming hoax, sexual perversions, evolution, and hatred of America.

When the descendants of Adam’s evil son Cain and Righteous son Seth lived in two separate civilizations. Like the Communist world today, along with Free world. The world got so bad being filled with violence and corruption that God had destroy the world in order to save it from total destruction. After the worldwide flood Noah’s children Japheth and Shem obeyed God, they lived in two civilizations again. The children of Ham led to the rebellion of Nimrod (Gilgamesh) at Babel about 2300 BC along with some of the descendants of Japheth and Shem. They contacted Satan’s angels (Disguised as Ancient Aliens or Pagan gods) and produced hybrid Nephilim offspring and worshipped Demons and were developing their technology for a world government under Antichrist.

Once again God destroyed their civilization and scattered them creating the legend of Atlantis about 2000 BC.

The Disciples of Jesus brought people to understand eternal truths in the first and second centuries and introduced the Word of God when Rome was converted to the truth. Then Rome like America was infiltrated by Satan’s agents.

The witches and Pagans went underground creating secret societies.

Then in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the Renaissance brought back Paganism based on the religion of Humanism, making man into a god replacing the Creator again.

Today they are bringing (Orwell’s 1984) in alien technology to produce Communist technocracy which will electronically control every individual on earth through Internet surveillance and control through the Mark of the Beast injected computer chip, etc. (Reversed engineered from the Roswell crash).

Info link on the Protestant Reformation the return to reliance on the Bible for Christian authority. And doing away with men’s false teachings and traditions which Jesus condemned:

Info link to details of the Conspiracy throughout history:


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