The Beatles or God?

     Pastor David Jeremiah of Turning Point television at Shadow Mountain Church in San Diego was preaching on who to trust in times of difficulty.

This is a problem for most people. They worry about the uncertainty of life. Especially today when we see our country being destroyed before our eyes and there is very little we can do about it.

Many people forget the source of Peace and Love. They think man can bring it about. And when they try they end up causing more harm than good. They forget that everyone has a nature that is selfish and greedy to different degrees, and that we have to learn to love and think of others before ourselves. 

A good example are the Beatles, they had good intentions but went off on many false paths than do not bring lasting love and peace. They got into drugs, false religion, socialism, and atheism. They were fumbling in the dark as agents of Satan leading young people to their doom. 

50 Beatles Quotes that Reach for a Better World (2021)

“The words of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr still inspire us to live our lives with love, strive for peace, and to never extinguish the hope in our hearts. Here is our collection of Beatles quotes and sayings, collected from a variety of sources over the years.”

My comment on this web site:

I love listening to the Beatle’s channel and they had beautiful music, but they have ignored the source of all that is beautiful.

Very good quotes and thoughts. But there can be no love, peace,and beauty without the creator of Peace and Love - the Prince of Peace. God IS love. All true love comes from Jesus who created everything and without him nothing was made. Man’s love is always selfish until it is replace with love that seeks nothing in return. And sex is not love. Sex is Humanist love for what it gets in return. 

Man in his arrogance and pride has always made the mistake of thinking that he can build a tower to heaven and bring Peace and Love without God. All who try end up fooled by Satan who is the author of deception, lies, death, wars, destruction, hate, and stealing as a false angel of Light. The origin of the word Illuminati. 

Love without God is empty wishful thinking.

The United Nations is supposed to bring in Peace, instead they are a Communist run organization bringing in rebellion against the source of love and peace. They have spread humanist religion and socialism which makes people in socialist countries poor by destroying the free enterprise system of checks and balances and a totalitarian dictatorship with no freedom, and socialism creates hatred for all that is good. The Bible says they will call good evil and evil good in the last days we are living in.

John Lennon said he did not like wars or killing for any reason. But they had a picture of them on an album with cut up baby parts in support of abortion, and they sang about love is a warm gun. 

And they sang about “Yeah, I'm back in the U.S.S.R.​
You don't know how lucky you are, boys
Back in the U.S.S.R.” 

Russia one of the most evil countries outside of China and Muslim countries.​ Russian Communism killed 66 million people when they took over, and has continued to do this since then. Not counting abortions.

Remember in another article I showed that Communism was created by the Illuminati the Learned Gentile/Elders of Scion to create the world government of Antichrist, and the founder was Baron de Rothschild in 1773 who refounded the Knights Templar Masons the Illuminati in Washington DC in 1776.

 Mayer Amschel Bauer was the founder of the Rothschild dynasty. He changed his name to Rothschild (Red Shield defender of the Merovingian Nephilim royal bloodline from Nimrod in 2000 BC) His father, Moses Amschel Bauer established himself in the year 1750 in the Frankfurt Jew Street and opened a shop for coin dealers, textile trade, exchange and gold and silver work. He founded the Freemason Illuminati on May 1st 1776 (The satanic day of Beltane when Satan was worshipped by Pagans as the fire/sun god Baal, and the birth of Communism on May Day).

The Christian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said: “66 Million were Murdered By (Ashkenazi Gentile/Jews like Hitler) Jewish Bolsheviks…Solzhenitsyn asserts that since 1917, the Bolsheviks, continuing under assassin Stalin, through and even after WW2, systematically executed, and inside (and outside) their thousands of Gulags, worked, starved and froze to death, SIXTY-SIX million people, not all, but most of them CHRISTIANS (whom the Bolsheviks hated). = This mass death was THE LARGEST REAL “HOLOCAUST” in modern history.”

“In such a meretricious age the giant figure of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn emerges as a colossus of courage. Born in Russia in 1918, only months after the secular fundamentalists (Like the Democrats in America under Biden/Obama) had swept to power in the Bolshevik Revolution, Solzhenitsyn was brainwashed by a state education system which taught him that socialism was just and that religion was the enemy of the people (The same thing socialist Teachers Unions are doing in America in our educational system). Like most of his school friends, he enslaved himself to the zeitgeist, became an atheist and joined the communist party.”

The Beatle John Lennon implies he does not believe in killing for any reason, and that would include self-defense. And he got shot in the back. So do you let someone rob you and kill you, and/or your family? The Second Amendment was for the protection of freedom from evil doers. 

Peace Dream by Ringo Star, “No need for war no more.
Better things we're fighting for
No more hunger, no more pain
I hope the dreams comes true someday.”

The picture on Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band album shows what they said were people they liked that were an inspiration. 

The Satanist Illuminati leader Alister Crowley, Satanist and Illuminati world leader. Murderer Karl Marx leader of Communism and first American Fake News Propagandist in 1850s on the staff of the largest national newspaper in America at the time. Possibly the inspiration for the lyrics of John’s Lennin's Working Class HeroEdgar Allen Poe wrote dark literature. The Communist Charley Chaplin. Atheist Carl Jung. Communist Illuminati Science Fiction writer H.G. Wells who wrote about the New World Order. Socialist Lewis Carroll wrote occult fiction made famous by the Satanist Illuminati Communist Walt Disney as Alice in Wonderland an allegory against the Free Enterprise System. Oscar Wild a feminist condemned by God as sin. Alberto Vargas Peruvian painter of nudes the Vargas Girls'.  Tom Mix early western actor member Illuminati Free Masons. Paramahansa Yogananda a Pagan religious leader, origin of the New Age Religion of Antichrist. Mahavatar Babaji Yogi of False Religion origin of New Age Religion of the False Prophet. Stephen Crane American Poet, novelist, and short story writer supporting naturalism i.e. atheist philosophy based on Darwinism. A statue of a Gnome, these are Demon Spirits. The Tree of Life is a fundamental widespread myth or archetype in many of the world's satanic religious and philosophical traditions. It is closely related to the concept of the sacred tree. The tree of knowledge, connecting to heaven and the underworld, and the tree of life, connecting all forms of creation (atheistic evolution), are both forms of the world tree or cosmic tree. The tree of knowledge Gnosticism witchcraft referring to the tree in the Garden of Eden that God commended them NOT to eat and caused them to fall causing all the evil in this world.  Atheist Albert Einstein who created the Relativity Theory hoax just as Charles Darwin created evolution, among others in the Illuminati. The others are Atheist Communist celebrities of Hollywood controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations for the United Nations and and Freemason Illuminati. 

The reason there are wars, slavery, starvation, and persecution of Christians; is because of oppressive Communist governments in most countries including Cuba, Venezuela, Muslim countries (Which are run by atheistic Communist Mullahs fooling their people), Russia and China. When socialist governments control businesses they owners and workers are slaves and they have no incentive to work because the government takes all the profits and rations to the people. That is why in America everything is made in China,  Walmart etc. get things from China because the workers are slaves paid dirt cheap.

John Lenin sang in the song ‘Imagine,’

“Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today (Forget about Heaven and God)

Imagine there's no countries (Marxist World Government of Antichrist) 
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for (The U.N. will have all the weapons to control all the nations and people)
And no religion too (Atheism)
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace…” (Peace of prisoners and a Cemetery)

This atheist song is New Age about the Satanic New World Order under Socialism/Communism of Antichrist. Most of the world’s population will suffer al will be enslaved and 1/3 will be killed. Yes, only the Peace of a Cemetery.

David Jeremiah said during hard times and difficulties we are to trust in God. Just as we must trust in God to be saved. That is why it requires Faith. 

In the plan of the Illuminati it says they will undermine faith with theories they know to be false: Darwinism, Nihilism, and Marxism. 

However this does not mean that it is blind faith. There is proof that God is the creator of everything we see in the universe through obsevation and facts of science. And the Bible has never been proven wrong. Atheists are ignorant and come up with things claiming the Bible is not absolute truth and contradicts itself, but they are always proven wrong when the evidence is researched with an open mind. Search to see if these things are so the Bible says of the Bereans.  


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