Freedom Hangs on 2nd Amendment

       There was a shooting in Boulder Colorado supermarket March 22, 2021, that killed 10 Caucasian people.

     This killer was a Muslim mentally deranged terrorist who hated Americans and Trump according to his Facebook page. 

       The Fake News media did not release the name or identity of the shooter, so it would not interfere with their false narrative for political reasons.

“That narrative came crashing down Tuesday afternoon when authorities named 21-year-old Ahmad Al Issa as the suspect. He is a refugee from Syria. His Facebook page shows him lamenting President Trump won the 2016 election "because of racism," posting Islamic prayers and accusing Americans of being "Islamophobic." He also has a history of mental health issues.”

       Naturally the Democrats in Congress and news media used it as an excuse to support disarmament, and attacks on Conservative Patriots and all white people as white supremacists. The truth is America is the least racist of any other country besides Israel.

The Antifa fascists, and Black Supremacists Only Matter Marxists want to tear down all statues including John Wayne, George Washington, Jesus, and Abraham Lincoln. However, you don’t see anyone wanting to take down statues of Communists in America.

This is a statue of  Lenin the leader of Communism in New York

There is a statue of Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) who was a Russian communist leader of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 that murdered millions of people and took over Russia for the Illuminati funded by Rockefeller to be used to create a Marxist Atheist world government.

Erased history: how Rockefeller bankrolled Soviet Russia ...

"After the Bolshevik Revolution, Standard Oil of New Jersey [Rockefeller] bought 50 per cent of the Nobel's huge Caucasus oil fields even though the property had theoretically been nationalized [Confiscated by Russian Communists]. (O'Connor, Harvey, The Empire Of Oil, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1955, p.270.)"

Russia was our supporter during the American Revolution and was captured and disarmed by the Illuminati led Bolsheviks.  

There is a statue of Lenin in New York. There is another one in Seattle. Strange these are the same places that the Antifa and BLM have riots, Democrats rule, and have the worst cases of Covid and the worst shutdowns, highest taxes, highest unemployment. 

There is no such thing as Gun Control, it is people control. What if the British had brought in Gun Control in the Colonies in 1776? The British would have slaughtered the Americans. This is the purpose of so called Gun Control and Defund the Police. It is part of the plan of the Illuminati in the United Nations for disarmament. These Communists want to disarm all citizens and local police and sheriffs. They want to disarm all nations. The U.N wants all weapons including atomic missiles, and other weapons of mass destruction to use on any nation or person who opposes their dictatorship.  

        This is why Democrats want to outlaw AR-15s which they falsely call Assault Weapons. Actually they are not assault weapons. Assault weapons are only for military use.

Complete AR-15 Rifles | AR-15s | Cheaper Than Dirt

"The AR-15 rifle is America's most popular rifle for good reason. The modular platform makes it easy to configure your gun your way. The AR-15 has proven itself reliable, rugged, and accurate making it a go-to choice for home defense, competitive shooting, and more."



Top 10 Assault Rifles |

“The AK-100 series assault rifles evolved from the AK-74M that is widely used by the Russian Army and many other countries around the world. Technically these assault rifles are similar to the legendary AK-47, but have improved production technologies and are made of new materials. One of them is the AK-103.”

       The Clintons and Obamas (Fast and Furious, etc.) have helped criminals in Mexico to smuggle AK-47s to street gangs in America resulting in the death of some boarder guards.

       Hand guns are the weapons used in most gun violence. And most gun violence occurs in ‘Gun Free Zones,’ where only the criminals have guns. If school workers and teachers were armed there would be less gun violence. A gun has saved lives even when the defender used the gun to arrest the criminal without shooting.

       I remember there was a robbery at a bank in Israel, when the robbers came out the door, several citizens pointed guns at them and they surrendered.

        Socialist Democrats want background checks and registration in preparation for confiscation under a Socialist take over just like Germany under Hitler.

       I remember in Sweden a man killed children in a school with a semiautomatic rifle. So what did they do? They outlawed hand guns. Like 22 pistols, and 38 Specials. These are not assault weapons they are defense weapons. This reveals their real agenda. To enslave the people.

        This is part of America being moved to accept the Communist Manifesto plank by plank thru the Marxist United Nations for a world government under Antichrist.

       The RIGHT to possess a gun is the Second Amendment.

Second Amendment Annotated A well-regulated (State) Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.  

Constitutionalists know that all our Constitutional God given freedoms are based on defense. Also, if they can take away the Second Amendment they will take away all other freedoms.


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