Movement Leading to the Rapture

       In my research I have found many connections between Democrats, Liberals, Satanists, Republican RINOS, secret societies mainly the Illuminati founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild who drew up plans for the creation of the Illuminati in 1770 which has orchestrated the New World Order Globalism Conspiracy through their agents the Council on Foreign Relations in America. A copy of their plan is found among the rabbinical writings like the Talmud, which led to The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Scion, from this the Karl Marx created The Communist Manifesto resulting in the Communist/Socialist Movement called Marxism, to carry out Satan’s Plan to destroy the world and take all men to Hell out of revenge against God. Proof is found in Karl Marx’s poems below. Many Illuminati have change history but Marx is one of the main leaders of Satanism.

Karl Marx was one of the first Fake News writers on the staff of the largest newspaper in 1850s before the Civil War. 


       Democracy is indispensable to socialism. Here is the whole story of Communism/Socialism/Satanism in our society in America and the world:,%20Public%20Presentation.pdf

        Americans need to be warned that…

I encourage the reader to watch “Tortured for Christ.” The Remnant of believers in America have not known such horrific cruelty.  But I do believe that if our Constitutional Republic is ever overthrown, and Communism takes its place, then true believers will be subjected to torture and told to renounce their faith in Christ as described in the Bible during the Tribulation Period or be beheaded just as the Illuminati did in the French Revolution.

Richard Wurmbrand’s book about Karl Marx (1818 – 1883), a German “revolutionary socialist,” begins with a rebuttal to this misconception: that Marx himself was a compassionate visionary who truly cared for the poor just like the Democrats are claiming today and encouraging BLM and Antifa to destroy steal and kill. In reality, both Marx and Engels grew up in wealthy families, far removed from the life of poverty. Together they pursued an anti-Christian utopia that — from the beginning — focused on political power, not on meeting the needs of the poor. Like today’s seductive vision of change (Obama championed Change which came from Communist Saul Alinsky’s book), their socialist/communist transformation required a “crisis” and a “purpose” that would capture public attention and provide the needed momentum. Hillary said, “Don’t let a crisis go to waste.” But she did not say that they are the ones that cause the crisis.

“The phoniness of the claim to be a movement of the working class was blatant from the beginning. When Engels was elected as a delegate to the Communist League in 1847, in his own words, ‘a working man was proposed for appearances sake, but those who proposed him voted for me.’ It may have been the first rigged ‘election’ of the Communist movement but it was certainly not the last…. The anointed have always wanted to create their own kind of people, as well as their own kind of society.”

Karl Marx, writes in a poem, “I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above.

“So a god has snatched from me my all In the curse and rack of destiny.
All his worlds are gone beyond recall! Nothing but revenge is left to me!

I shall build my throne high overhead, Cold, tremendous shall its summit be. For its bulwark — superstitious dread. For its Marshall — blackest agony.

*****Sounds very familiar

The words “I shall build my throne high overhead” and the confession that from the one sitting on this throne will emanate only dread and agony, is Lucifer’s proud boast: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.” (Isaiah 14:13)

“Yet I have power within my youthful arms
To clench and crush you [i.e., humanity] with tempestuous force, While for us both the abyss yawns in darkness.
You will sink down and I shall follow laughing,
Whispering in your ears, “Descend, come with me, friend.”

Marx had loved the words of Mephistopheles in Faust, “Everything in existence is worth being destroyed.” Everything — including the proletariat and the comrades. Marx quoted these words…. Stalin acted on them and destroyed even his own family.

When he wrote these things, Marx… was eighteen.

Karl Marx was a Satanist.  Also the majority of those who are scheming to bring Marxism/socialism to America – these too are possessed. Look at the Nancy Pelosi, Chamelian Harris, and many other Democrats in the House how they spread hate and encourage violence. And look at their ugly faces like it was still Halloween.

Kengor then goes on to explore the satanic ties of prominent Marxists and communist organizations throughout history, including their consistent efforts to destroy traditional religions and to infiltrate and undermine the Church, both Catholic and Protestant. That’s not coincidence. It’s all of a piece of Marx’s original plan to remove the divine from man in order to control him.

As our country grapples with the outrages being perpetrated by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, whose founders proudly declare themselves to be “Marxist-trained,” “The Devil and Karl Marx” could not be timelier. If we are going to deal with these destroyers of American culture and tradition, we must understand what is driving them. And as Kengor ably describes, what is driving them is truly demonic, whether they realize it themselves or not.

These are signs that Jesus will soon take us in the Rapture. I believe we know who the Antichrist and False Prophet are. But it will not be proven until Antichrist signs a 7 year peace Treaty with Israel.

Don’t listen to the False Teachers led by the Illuminati (Masons and Jesuits) who have infiltrated our churches falsely claiming that Christians will bring in God’s kingdom before Jesus returns, and Christians have replaced the Israelites. This makes Christians gods a substile form of Humanism. And these False Teachers will lead ignorant church people to accept Ancient Alien theistic evolution, and the Antichrist as an incarnation of the Messiah.

Conservative Patriots and Christians need to support the Movement to Make America Great Again under God and the Constitution, then the Rapture could be delayed until more people are reached in a Great Awakening to the truth of the Authorized King James Bible and our God given freedoms under the Constitution just before the Rapture.

But even so, it will not last long. It appears according to the complicated research of Prophecy researcher below that the present target date is close to 2028. I was the one who selected this as the most likely among several choices from the info below. End of Trump’s second Presidency?

I must answer objects from unbelievers here. The way world events are going the world can’t last another decade, so when Conservatives say that skyrocketing government debt will fall on us and our grandchildren, they are WRONG. Like the world before the Flood our world will self-destruct. That is why God had to bring the worldwide Flood in order to save it.   

Want complicated details to see for yourself possible Rapture date ranges. This site does not set dates it only gives the many time line possibilities because we will not know the day or the hour, but we will know the season and an approximate year. And they update it if things change or new information comes to light:


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