The Democrat Conspiracy

        The Democrat Biden/Obama, so called, Covid Relief Bill of 2 Trillion dollars, 92% to be laundered to state Democrat criminals. Supporting blue states deliberate mismanagement, like New York’s Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, and California’s Governor Kevin Nuisance. This will help them get re-elected to continue to bankrupt and create a Communist America. And it robs red states who do their job.

       FoxNews says, “Republicans lashed out against the $350 billion allocated in the bill for state and local governments and said the new funding formula disproportionally benefits the blue states of New York and California.”

       Which would be better? If you were given a credit card with unlimited dollars that had to be paid back, or get a job or start a business? The first is socialism, the second is a Constitutional Republic of free enterprise that made America the Greatest country in history and the world.

       Both Reagan and Trump saved America from socialist attacks destroying our freedoms and economy.

       I have heard from NewsMax and others that the Left wants to get unconstitutional power over the people, bring in socialism, get rich, and get Democrat voters. BUT this is NOT their ultimate goal. They want a socialist world Marxist government that has destroyed, killed millions, and kept people poor. The same movement that is behind the creation of the New World Order of Antichrist prophesied in the Bible. The secret societies have planned this for centuries.

       The Council on Foreign Relations Illuminati secret society CFRs have infiltrated all social organizations. They want to bankrupt America then the world and replace it with their computer money Special Drawing Rights. The Illuminati bankster Mayer Amschel Rothschild said "Give me control of a nation's money
and I care not who makes the laws."

       Rothschild dynasty is one of the Illuminati (Light Bearers for Lucifer). His real name is Bauer. Rothschild stands for the Mogen David Jewish star. He is part of the Learned Elders of Zion Illuminati. It stands for Red Shield meaning defender of the royal bloodline from Nimrod and the Nephilim giants at Babel.

    Another is the Rockefeller (in America) dynasty that works for Rothschild (in Europe). 

If the fiat counterfeit money was sent to We the People, every person would get over $6 thousand and 18 dollars. And if children are subtracted, criminals, and illegal aliens it would come to about $7 thousand $200 and $18 ($7200.18) for each person in America.  And this would help small businesses and individuals devastated by the Covid Communist bioweapon and unnecessary shutdowns. The fact not reported by the Communist CFR controlled media is the states that did not shut down have the least positive cases and fewer deaths. And Democrat Draconian shut downs have produced the most cases, as well as suicide. Masks have proven to be useless in actual practice. They are simply a way of conditioning people to accept unconstitutional dictatorship.

As for schools they produce extremely few cases. But the socialists want to keep them closed to dumb down the next generation and make them illiterate. And this is supported by Democrats and Communist run teachers unions. I learned about this from John A. Stormer’s book None Dare Call it Treason back in the 1980s. It goes into detail about the documented satanic conspiracy.

The BEST stimulus would be to OPEN businesses.

It has now been over a year, even though the virus is no worse than the yearly flu. The cases have been exaggerated by including people testing positive who died of other diseases, including a couple of gunshot victims. And the Communist media has lied and hyped the hysteria.

The Covid relief robbery is the socialist/Communist unconstitutional solution. The OPEN businesses is the Constitutional Republic free enterprise method.  

For details about the Rothschild Conspiracy for a satanic world government with documentation read:


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