Satanic Trinity

       Dr. David Jeremiah is an excellent minister at Shadow Mountain Church in San Diego, California. The church Dr. Henry Morris went to. Morris was the founder of the Creation Science Movement through the Institute for Creation Research. I recommend the Henry Morris Study Bible (Based on the Authorized King James Bible, the only reliable translation).

One of Jeramiah’s television programs he talked about the Antichrist and False Prophet.

I agree with him, but I know some things that he did not talk about and a few things that he was wrong about. Which is part of my research in Mysteries of History Revealed and this newsletter.

He said that Satan copies what God does with counterfeits. Right! Satan’s trinity he said will be Satan as god, the Antichrist as the Messiah reincarnated Jesus, and the False Prophet as the Holy Spirit. He is partly right this is symbolized as an upside-down triangle, and the Fleur de Liz the symbol of the French Royal Family of Merovingian Knights Templar Illuminati satanists.

I did more research on this in which Dr. Jeremiah is wrong. He is wrong about the Unholy Spirit, it is NOT the False Prophet. The False Prophet is Satan’s John the Baptist. He will be a Jesuit Pope.

The Unholy Spirit is the Goddess, the spirit of the earth, Demon Spirits which produce satanic paranormal miracles through magicians, wizards, and witches. Called Magick.

This goddess is also the god of evolutionists and Liberals called Mother Nature or Gaia. Worshipped by the warlock Al Gore. Her architype was the Queen of Babel Semiramis wife of the first world Antichrist Nimrod. She is known as Venus, Aphrodite, Astarte, Isis, etc. after language changed at Babel.

Jeremiah said the image of the beast in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem would be brought to life by Satan. 

I believe this will be connected to the Internet and if a person does not worship the image of the Antichrist they will be killed. This image I believe will be an electromagnetic hologram that will be controlled by Satan which will possess the International Beast Computer in Brussels Belgium. Satan will possess the Internet, like Demons can possess a person. Satan will control all the Internet. From it he can control all electronic devices which are in everything, communications, and robots. UFO entities are known to control electromagnetic radiation and devices. And thus Satan will be connected to the implanted microchip which will control all individuals. He will make himself into an all knowing god.

Microchips were reverse engineered from the technology in the saucer that was deliberately crashed in Roswell, to convince our government and people that aliens and evolution is real replacing God i.e. Ancient Astronaut Theory which is Theistic Evolution.

This UFO crash give us the sudden advanced technology for the Mark of the Beast and a technocratic Marxist government, under the excuse of Sustainable Development. And bring in the world government of Antichrist.

The technology for NASA space craft and fast Internet all came from these Vimana’s piloted by Satan’s Demon Spirits in genetically engineered bodies called Greys. This is why they support stem cells from abortions, and genetic engineering, and transhumanism.

Jeremiah talked about the Mark of the Beast that it could be a mark. My research indicates it will be an injected computer chip under the skin in the right hand and forehead. Unexplained implanted micro-devices Nano Technology have been found in UFO abductees. These implants will control a person’s thinking, and GPS tracking, and be used to monitor their actions and communications, and make it so a person can control computers using their mind. Technological telepathy. This has already been done by a science professor who turns on his computers using his thoughts.


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