Jews Saved by the Pope

       They say that the Pope was helping save the Jews from Hitler. This is true, and false.

       There are Gentile Jews called Ashkenazi Jews who follow the Talmud and Rabbinical writings by men. The Scribes and Pharisees were these kind of Jews. They reinterpreted the Bible (Mainly the Torah). The Illuminati Jews among them are a minority, not all are part of the Learned Elders of Scion behind the Marxist New World Order conspiracy of Antichrist.

Then there are the Sephardic Jews who follow the Torah. And they did not marry into Gentile Nephilim hybrid serpent bloodlines following God’s Commandments from Moses not to contaminate their bloodlines which would prevent the birth of the Messiah.

Hitler himself was an Ashkenazi Jewish/Gentile and wanted genocide against the Sephardic Israelite minority. Today 90% of Jews in Israel are Ashkenazi including the government leaders of Israel.

Notice the Knights Templar cross on Hitler.

During World War 1 in the 1940s the Pope, Rockefeller, and Hitler worked together to gather the pure blooded Sephardic Israelites together and send them to Hitler to be exterminated. At the same time the Pope helped Ashkenazi Jews to escape.    

Of course to find this information you have to avoid the Fake Science that says this isn’t a fact scattered through the literature and almost all listings on the Internet which are controlled by these Jews, Catholics, and the Knights Templar Masons. They claim the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Scion is not the Plan of the Illuminati, that it is racial hate literature, a forgery, fiction, etc.  Yes, Hitler did use the Illuminati Protocol literature for that purpose, to create hatred for true Israelites. But Hitler was part of the Illuminati funded by the Illuminati Rockefeller Dynasty of Standard Oil. Using the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, Rockefeller funded Hitler’s election and his war machine.

Details about the Plan of the Illuminati.


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