False Documentary on NewsMax

      My wife and I watch NewsMax a lot. And they have been very good on Conservative Christian Constitutional politics.

But I have become suspicious. They play documentaries that carry disinformation so you will doubt the Bible is God's Inspired Word. Like the Documentary on Jesus.

        They falsely claimed that the Bible is not accurate, this is Deism that was spread by the satanic Gnostics 100 to 300 years after the crucifixion. 

     Most of our America founding Fathers were Deists. That means they believed in God and the principles of the Bible, but they did not believe the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. They don’t believe in the miracles. This is Agnosticism. 

2 Timothy 3:5, “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

The documentary claimed the Bible says Jesus was born in Bethlehem, but he was in Nazareth when the Wise men came. Implying the Bible got it wrong. This is higher criticism by secular Humanists who don’t believe God’s Inspired Word showing their ignorance.

No, Jesus was born in a Bethlehem in an animal shelter probably a cave, during the census. This is when the Sheppard's came.

Then when Jesus was a child about 2 years old the wise men arrived when he was in a house in Nazareth. And there were many wise Magi (they were highly educated theologians and scientists of their day) who were taught by Daniel about the prophecy, who was accepted as a wise man in Babylon, and they believed in his prophecy of the Messiah. This was about 500 BC.

Then the documentary goes on to say Jesus had brothers and a sister. This too is false. Mary was a virgin especially selected to birth the Creator of the universe in a human body. It refers to Jesus brother because in those days they called cousins brothers and sisters.

And the documentary called Mary a “young girl.” This is blasphemy from secret society Satanists Hort and Westcott who created the modern false versions of man’s paraphrases. Notice these false versions are copyrighted words of men. God’s Word is not copyrighted!

This is why only the Authorized King James TRANSLATION is the only accurate Bible. It is the only true translation, through the Holy Spirit into English to reach the world who did not speak Hebrew or Greek. Hebrew was the only language until Babel. Then Greek when the Apostle Paul took it to the Gentiles. Today most of the world speaks English.  And that is why the Authorized King James has been attacked by Satanists in satanic secret societies and retranslated to fit satanic New Age religion of the False Prophet by Satanists Westcott and Hort etc. who changed the meaning into Satanic Gnostic New Age Religious philosophy in contaminated translations of the bible supporting the New Age Religion of the False Prophet from the Roman Church. This is one of the reasons why most of our churches are teaching False Doctrines.


These Gnostic gospels (of Satan) including the Book of Judas, Book of Mary, Book of Thomas, and the Books of Enoch are occult literature. These heresies were used by Dan Brown to create fiction based on real facts twisted to fit Gnostic gospels in The Da Vinci Code. And others like the Passover Plot which claims Jesus only fainted on the cross, but remained alive. And then had offspring.

The truth is Dan Brown was not referring to the offspring of Jesus, but rather the offspring of Satan’s angels the hybrid humans which became the royal families of the Illuminati today that control most nations.

This was the plan of the Illuminati under different names throughout history to claim all the miracles were only tricks or misinformation in order to discredit the truth in the Bible and salvation by Jesus death and resurrection. This Humanistic philosophy is the source of theistic evolution, Ancient Astronaut Theory, and the theory that life must be on other planets – assuming naturalistic evolution.

A thought just occurred to me I have come to realize that magicians and mentalists are NOT using tricks, but they want you to think so. They use witchcraft magick. Then you will assume the miracles in the Bible are tricks too.

These Gnostic gospels were the origin of the Roman Churches Apocrypha books which they tried to include in the Inspired Bible to add to and subtract from, which God pronounces a curse on.

The Vatican has created a lot of fiction included in the documentary. That Jesus is upset by a bully. Jesus hits him on the shoulder and says, “You will go no further on your way.” And the boy drops dead. They claimed that this showed that Jesus lost his temper. That means Jesus committed sin, and cannot be the Messiah. Now does that sound like Jesus?

But this is a Catholic tradition.

Another one was when Jesus took clay and turned them into birds. NO Jesus never used miracles except when they were to be a sign to the Jews that he was their Messiah. He refused Satan when he told Jesus to make bread out of stones, and jump from the Temple roof. If Jesus had used miracles he would no longer be the Messiah. Miracles were all for a purpose just as all of creation has beauty, a design, and useful purpose. Not for frivolous things.

Recently I learned that NewsMax TV host Grant Stinchfield is a Catholic. Many Catholics are Christians. But the Vatican is a form of Christianized Paganism and the origin of the Illuminati secret societies. The Pope is a member of the Jesuit secret society and he is a CFR Illuminati who supports and is a good friend of Obama/Biden in favor of all of their agenda including the Marxist New World Order of Antichrist, and abortions; which most Catholics oppose.

Another thing MaxNews says that the OMEGA 2 trillion dollar Robbery Bill, and 

socialism will destroy America

Notice the Knights Templar red cross on Popes uniform 

for our grandchildren. This is false because what we are seeing in the world today is the rise of Antichrist. These are the last days before Jesus removes us so he can bring judgment down on Satan’s agents and their dupes. Research shows that Jesus will remove Christians before the Judgement of 7 years before 2030. Most likely 2028. 

And NewsMax has had Democrats on their program who give uncorrected misinformation that I don’t like. But they are very subtle about it. Are they like Fox News? Pretending be conservative to fool people. This is all documented in the plan of the Illuminati created and financed by Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812).

My wife and I just discovered OAN One America News network to be better. I heard about them when the two Democrats threatened those media networks carrying Fox, NewsMax, and OAN.




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