CPAC Conservatives & False Religion

      Autry Pruitt a black Conservative national radio host spoke at the CPAC Conference in Florida.

He says the Democrats are responsible for keeping blacks, Latinos, American Natives and other minorities under government control through handouts, and thinking they are victims. And have kept them in ghettoes. This is divide and conquer. Communists commonly try to turn people against each other. Then they come in and restore order and take over with (UN) peace keeping forces.

And it was the Conservatives that brought in abolition, the freeing of the black slaves, ended unjust racial discrimination Jim Crow laws, and Trump’s prison reforms that freed blacks unjustly kept in prison. Pruitt needs help getting the message out to black voters!

Rabbi Yaakov Menkin with the Coalition for Jewish Values is working to defend Biblical values in America also spoke at the CPAC convention.

He said the Liberal Radicals want to remove God from all America. They have made lying attacks on Jesus as a racist.

Jesus was God who created the different people groups, and there is only ONE race the Human Race. Racism came from False Science supporting evolution propaganda.

The problem is Menkin is a Post Millennialist which is a Judaism false religion, which does not believe in Christian Traditional Truths only the morals behind Christianity. They believe that Christians will save the world by preaching the Gospel and that we are in God’s millennium.

They don’t believe in the Rapture or the Tribulation during Jacob’s Trouble in the 7 years of judgement under the world dictator Antichrist.

This is common heresy today in our churches. It is Christian Humanism, replacing Jesus return to set up his kingdom with Christians doing it for him. It makes Christians gods, keeping Satan’s promise to make man a god.

These Jews ignore Prophecy just as they did when Jesus came the first time. And this philosophy will lead them to accept Antichrist and the Jesuit False Prophet of the Vatican. The Purpose Driven Church led by False Teacher Rick Warren. He wants to bring Muslims, Judaism, Catholicism, and Christians together. This is the movement to create the one world church of the False Prophet.

Coalition for Jewish Values - Restoring America's Moral ...

I have written another article that I am suspicious that NewsMax may be led by the False religion of Rome from Gnostic occult books of Babylonian beliefs written from 100 to 300 AD.

And Menkin was on NewsMax. Another reason to distrust NewsMax when it comes to religion. They are great on Conservative politics.

Rabbi Menken on Wake Up America (Newsmax) Feb 25, 2021 The Equality Act and the impact on those who follow traditional values, including the Jewish community. The Post Millennial: Rabbis call to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar from role as vice chair of House foreign affairs subcommittee.

“Postmillennialism is an end-times view that focuses on the progressive victory and expansive influence of Christianity. It believes that we are currently living in the “Millennium” and that, during this indefinitely long period of time, Christians are tasked to extend the Kingdom of God in the world through the preaching of the gospel and the saving work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of individuals.”

Then there is the false belief that Christians can use be prayer warriors to vanquish Satan’s influence. And many believe in speaking in tongues, heling miracles, and prophets using methods used in contacting spirits in witchcraft. This is all unbiblical.

        Another False Religious movement which is the same as Post Millennialism and Pentecostalism, Preterism, Theistic Evolution, and Purpose Driven Church which makes nonsense of Bible truth and prophecy. And it combines all religions to create the one world church under the False Prophet.  

And the new versions of the Bible support this twisting of the original meaning found in the Authorized King James Translation. This will lead unsaved ignorant church people to replace works for Jesus, and accept Antichrist.

       I remember when Muriel and I visited the founder of Flying Saucer Clubs of America Gabriel Green in Yucca Valley. That his followers believe UFO entities will save the world, not Jesus.

       This is identical to what the False Teachers are teaching without mentioning the extraterrestrials based on Theistic Evolution. Hugh Ross’ theistic evolution is identical to what UFO cults are teaching.

Muriel asked Green about the Illuminati. He said, They will give in to the extraterrestrial movement. And he said it is the return of the Christ. And his number is 13. Green recommended Benjamin Crème’s book about the Maitreya, which many UFO cult members believe is the Christ.

       These groups spawned New Age Religions in Yucca Valley like Giant Rock and the Integratron.   

        I knew that 13 in Bible Gematria is Rebellion and the number of Babylon.

        Benjamin Creme of Share International was the prophet of the False Christ and Gabriel Green recommended his book. This group placed full page ads in all newspapers announcing the Christ is here decades ago!

       This is what Jesus warned about false Christs would come in the last days.

       Now take notice that all these false beliefs believe that man will bring utopia from some ethereal possibly extraterrestrial source. The Bible says in the middle of the Tribulation Period Satan and his angels will be cast down to the earth.

       For details about this false religion read what they claim:


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