Support Freedom

        The National Republican Committee and Republican Senate Committee are Communists supporting Liberal Republicans (RINOS). Do not donate to them! We need to defeat them! Along with the Communist Democrats who support everything that is EVIL like the murder of millions of babies, raising taxes, destroying our energy, inflating our national debt, brainwashing our children under Communist teachers unions, allowing Covid positive and criminals to enter our country without vetting.

       Matt Gaetz says he is the first who will officially STOP getting BRIBE money from lobbyists and rely solely on We the People. Billionaires and corporations (PAC’s) run by Communist agents have sabotaged our government for decades by bribing Congressman, Senators, and other state officials to create a Marxist world government. It needs to be STOPPED!

Support Patriots like Matt Gaetz

And Candice Owens the African American patriot

And many others.

Or just donate to Trump our leader who will support all the RIGHT people,


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