Fraudulent Trump Donations

        I became suspicious of all the Republican Committees raising money for Republicans, because that would include the growing number of RINOS, traitors coming out of the woodwork. This has exposed the fact that for many decades the socialist/communist Republicans in name only have revealed that it was traitors that supported the Democrat enemies of America.

Phyllis Schlafly wrote 50 years ago, A Choice Not an Echo that reveals the fact that no matter if a Democrat or a Republican is in power nothing happens the socialist lobbyists continue to manipulate legislators for their criminal enterprises.

Now Donald Trump has become aware of the traitors and orders them to STOP using his name and pictures to raise money.

However, these traitors are still using Trump to raise fraudulent donations. Here is a text message I received today: “Will you join Trump’s social media.” Then they ask for a donation for GOP Senate Committee. Donate to      

This corruption got a boost from the educational institutions and led to the creation of what satanic Anton La Vey called the birth of the New Age of Satan about 1960s when Planned Parenthood was allowed to murder millions of unborn babies, and the hippy movement, sexual revolution, and attacks on American Patriotism; blaming us for the wars. The wars were actually caused by the Illuminati banksters for profit and propaganda.  


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