Mass Shootings Mind Control

      Ever wonder why people go crazy and commit senseless mass murder? I have suspected that these mass shootings are caused by victims of mind control by the Illuminati in the CIA who researched mind control methods using all kinds of drugs and electromagnetic mind control. Some of this came from Hitler’s experiments brought to Russia and America by Project Paper Clip.

Usually when my intuition tells me something, I then find facts that prove I was right.

“When Myron May entered the library at Florida State University (FSU) on November 20 and began shooting, he may have been the latest victim of government mind control technology, which some experts say is increasingly being used to commit public acts of ritual murder. (This is being used for ‘gun control’ which is disarmament planned by the Marxist United Nations to create a world government takeover.)

Until October 2014, May was an assistant district attorney in Las Cruces, New Mexico, living a normal life with no signs of mental instability. At 31-years-old, he was well past the age when schizophrenia typically becomes manifest. But suddenly, in September 2014, May began telling friends and associates that he was being targeted by energy weapons that were being used to implant voices in his head, and that he was being observed by law enforcement, which was recording his responses to these weapons. May then joined a support group, Targeted Individuals Worldwide (TIW), designed to help victims of such attacks.

On the evening of November 19, May mailed packages to several associates claiming to have evidence of government actions, which would expose his attackers.

Hours later, after midnight on November 20, May entered the FSU library and shot three people. He was eventually killed by police when he would not drop his weapon. The packages have been intercepted by law enforcement and are being withheld from the public.

The Relevance of Mind Control and Mass Shootings - Susan ...

The Relevance of Mind Control and Mass Shootings Posted on: December 19th, 2012 by Susan. At least one of the recent spate of murderous shooting rampages show evidence of high level mind control of the perpetrator. The Aurora shooter, James Holmes is reported to have told another inmate that he thought he was in a video game at the time.

CIA, mind control & mass shootings - Is there a ...

Just five- (5) days before the mass shooting event at the Washington Navy Yard, Dr. Hall appeared as a guest on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, speaking about his documentation of stalking and mind control...
Mind Control based on witchraft. Researchers found that Hillary uses witchraft to promote New World Order agenda.


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