Learn the Truth

From None Dare Call It Treason, The Unseen Hand, A Choice Not an Echo, and other books; I learned that NBC, ABC, CBS, Washington Post, New York Times and others are Fake News. They fool the people all the time. They are owned by the Illuminati. It is described in their plan how they will fool the people. And now Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, CraigsList, Amazon, etc.

Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

To learn the truth you need to read the Authorized King James Bible. The Henry Morris Study Bible is the best. The Authorized KJT is the ONLY translation that was not corrupted by the Illuminati subtracting and adding to the versions of the ‘new’ bibles with man’s New Age interpretations guided by Satan. The new versions were deliberately changed by evil Marxists & Satanists to undermine the church.

And for news NewsMax on channel 349, and One America News channel 347. And New American Magazine, Epoc Times, etc.


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