Democrats Demonically Insane

    Democrats want to keep our businesses, churches, and schools closed because of Covid excuse, but they allow swarms of Covid infected Illegals cross our boarder. 
    Democrats say we must follow science, then they want to support transgenders which are unscientific un-natural.     
    Democrats said we were going into an Ice Age, then they said it was Global Warming, then they said it was Global Weather Change. Sounds like Fauci telling us not to wear masks, then wear masks, then wear two masks.
    They want to disarm us, and get rid of the police, but they have the National Guard to protect themselves from the riots and crime they have funded encouraged through George Soros working for Rothchield and Rockefeller dynasties.
    Democrats said Trump incited a riot, which he said was "to be peaceful and patriotic," after the Democrats have been supporting rioters and saying protests should be violent. And have bailed out rioters and murderers to kill again. 


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