NBC Lied About Pipe Bombs

      NBC Nightly News last night had the report of the pipe bombs that were planted the night before January 6 break-in of the Capitol. Showing Trump's speech had nothing to do with the break-in out of the few people in the break-in compared to the thousands of peaceful Trump supporters outside.

Lester Holt phony NBC news reporter showed video of the person planting the bombs.

He said, “Pipe bombs were planted in a park in front of the Democratic Headquarters.”

Trump supporters strike again.

This is how the media fools the public! You are to assume it was a Trump supporter. But remember BLM said they hate both Trump and Biden as white supremacists.

About 20 minutes later NBC Fake News played video again with a statement by the FBI, “Looking for information on anyone who recognizes this person who planted pipe bombs in a park in front of the Republican and Democratic headquarters.”

This also disproves the lie that Trump’s speech incited the Capitol break-in. It was already planned and Trump had nothing to do with it. This break-in did more to hurt Trump who said, voice your election concerns at the Capitol "peacefully and patriotically" like all of Trump’s rallies of thousands of people.

That is not the case with the Antifa and BLM Democrat incited violent riots that have killed several people and destroyed black neighborhoods and businesses. Then the Democrats can push their disarmament and remove police protection so they can bring in anarchy in support of Communist suppression of our freedoms and safety all planned by Satan possessed Karl Marx as described in his poems and in his Communist Manifesto. America has slowly accepted each of this Communist Manifesto planned by the Illuminati in the 1700s.

 And these Liberal/Socialist/Communist/Satanic riots are going on almost every day. The Capitol invasion was nothing compared to the Democrat and media encouraged lynch mobs using George Floyd as an excuse for Communist funded riots funded by George Soros and Communist run unions (Including SIEU) led anarchy. The Capitol break-in was only a few people out of thousands that came to support Trump peacefully. Look at the videos and you will see the difference between peaceful, and violent. And the Democrats and establishment media controlled by the CFRs supporting massive riots which the media lies about and does not show what actually happened.  


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