Socialist Democrats Hyper-Inflation

       The Socialist Democrats want to pay Covid relief money to everyone monthly as an attack on our money. This is ridiculous. It will cost quadrillions of dollars that do not exist, far beyond the gross national product. This would hyper inflate our money out of existence.

This Zimbabwe dollar is the most inflated dollar in the world. Wow you could become a Zimbabwe billionaire, living in poverty. 
A neighbor who was a truck driver showed us one of these he had bought and said he would be rich. Some bunko artist fooled him. The increase in the dollar value is a decrease in spending value. I knew it was worthless. I didn't tell him. The paper is worth more than that dollar.

     The Federal Reserve was created so the International Bankers (The Illuminati) could counterfeit paper 'money' and control our economy, and charge us interest called the National Debt. Along with the graduated Income Tax. Most people didn't realize in 1913 only the rich paid taxes. But inflation would cause incomes to be inflated causing taxes to increase. The plan was to eventually inflate the money and take more and more money from the people and eventually take ALL the money and give the people an allowance and ration what they could buy. Leading toward the Mark of the Beast. This unconstitutional law did not effect the Billionaire Illuminati who created Foundations so they pay no taxes and use the foundation money to control educational establishments, media, and government workers, and corporations. Hillary's daughter used Foundation money to fund her vacation. 

     The Federal Reserve is a Central Bank. Central banks were established by the Knights Templar Crusader Gentile/Jews the Ashkenazi. Their descendant revived the Knights Templars as the Illuminati Freemasonry in the early 1700s. Between the Illuminati and the Vatican controlling the rulers, people fled Europe and colonized America. 

The Rothschilds, Freemasons, and Illuminati

Rothschild used a twisted form of the Jewish Talmud to create satanic teachings that formed the basis of his secret organization, the IlluminatiIn 1776 the organization was complete and Rothschild used his associate, Adam Weishaupt, to infiltrate the Continental Order of Freemasons so that Illuminati doctrine would appear in their lodges. George Washington was warned of this and in his farewell address warned about the Illuminate he learned about in this book given to him by a friend.

In Mexico I bought a hamburger for $5000 in their dollars, which are pesos.

And the ‘free’ funny money would encourage people to stop working. It is working people that creates the money.

Economics 101 Money represents the products that are produced. The more money the greater the cost because the money isn’t worth as much. The 1900 dollar is worth $31.31 of our dollars today. Three cents in 1900 is equivalent to out dollar today.

Thanks To The COVID-19 Relief Bill, Parents Could Soon Be staying home ...

American families would receive regular payments that would add up to as much as $3,600 per child per year from the federal government as part of the destructive American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion phony COVID-19 relief bill the House is set to pass sends most of the money (91%) to crooked Democrat politicians who have bankrupted their cities and states and filled their pockets. The bill would also send $1,400 fiat stimulus checks to the majority of households hoping they will vote Marxist Democrat.

If our useless Covid shut downs would stop, the economy and businesses would survive and recover. Counterfeit money from the privately owned Federal Reserve will keep our economy from recovering.

They want to bankrupt America so they can replace the money, and whenever this happens it is used to take over the government. The Communist flooded Germany with counterfeit money to take over the government. This money was printed in China. My wife worked counting the money when it arrived in the United States.


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