Fake News Protecting Criminals

        Andrew Cuomo Biden's Gold Standard for Covid protections, has one of the worst Covid states, besides deliberately sending Covid spreaders into nursing homes. He should be tried for man slaughter, if not premeditated murder. He is working for the U.N. that wants to kill off 75% of the world's population by 2030 part of socialist Agenda 2030            He apologized for women making the mistake of accusing him of sexual impropriety. 

    He 'apologized' on television. In those few minutes he lied 4 times, then broke down into Crocodile tears. And he refuses to resign. Let me see they were falsely claiming that Trump would refuse to leave office. No it was a peaceful turn over of power to a criminal/Communist working for Obama. 

        Of course the CFR controlled media sympathized. However many Democrats want to flush him so he don’t pull them down too.

    Like Congresswoman AOC who cried crocodile tears at the fence on the border. Wrong she was standing behind a fence of a parking lot! A patriot took a picture from a different angle than the one the Fake News took.


AOC would make a good actress, as Frankenstein's Bride. Here she looks mad that someone caught her fakery. 

    How about the children in cages photographed when Obama and Biden were in the White House, and the media showed the pictures and claimed it was Trump’s doing.

        Of course the Marxist CFR U.N. controlled media sympathized with Cuomo. However many Democrats want to flush him also, so he doesn’t pull them down too.


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