Satan Deceived the World

        This is extremely important for all Christians to understand how Satan has fooled the masses throughout history through mass media, Fake News and Fake Science to disbelieve God’s Word. And how many Christian families have lost their children to satanic Humanism supporting socialism through the Satanist Darwin. Because they have relied on the secular establishment to teach the truth.

Satan promised Adam to become a god and he has used this ploy. Don’t be fooled. Most Christians have been fooled through the Renaissance and false Reformation.

The satanic religion has gone underground many times and has come back pretending to be Christian/Paganism. The worship of Nature the Mother Goddess Gaia today called Environmentalism mainly in the Vatican and Church of England. This is reason for the America Revolution from the Church of England and the monarchy dictatorship.

They used scientized atheism based on Evolution science fiction to defeat the GOD’S Word, then brought in Occult Spiritualism to fill the void contacting dead ancestors and relatives – when they are actually contacting Demons who possessed their ancestors. Today it is UFO speculation about extraterrestrial gods and Ancient Aliens.

It started with Satan who promised Eve to make man a god. This is Humanism which has been with us for 6 thousand years.

The link I will give you will reveal the names of the agents of Satan who have deceived the world. It is a long booklet but you MUST read it to know the truth.

It gives the names of those in secret societies mainly the Knights Templar Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Illuminati who are over all other secret societies who support Satan’s take over and destruction of our countries and people all over the earth. Karl Marx, Charles Darwin and many you have heard of and many you have not heard of.

It reveals why socialism is being promoted.

It explains why only the Authorized King James was translated through the Holy Spirit into English to reach the world and how it has been attacked by Satanists in satanic secret societies and retranslated to fit satanic New Age religion of the False Prophet by Satanists Westcott and Hort etc. who changed the meaning into Satanic Gnostic philosophy in contaminated translations of the bible supporting the New World Order of Antichrist.

It reveals the connection to Babel, the French Revolution, the Communist revolution, the Anti-America, Globalist Revolution. And False Religions including the Vatican, and many Protestant denominations.

It reveals the origin of the False Prophet and the Antichrist. And its origin at Babel from the god Mercury (Cush) the father of Nimrod of Babel, the god of knowledge (Gnosticism) the Illuminati and their agents the Council on Foreign Relations of the Marxist United Nations.

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