Incompetent Democrats

      Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was asked by a reporter how the Increase in corporate taxes will affect prices to consumers.

    You know the International Banksters owned Federal Reserve, that prints trillions of counterfeit fiat money.

This will cause companies to lay off workers, raise prices, and some will move to other countries.

Yellen said, “This has been researched for a long time and it is unclear what it will do.”     

Janet Yellen | U.S. Department of the Treasury

“Secretary Yellen served as Chair of the Federal Reserve from 2014 until 2018. On December 1, 2020, then-President-elect Biden nominated Dr. Janet Yellen to the post of Treasury Secretary.”

Sounds like Biden’s Press secretary, “I will have to circle back on that.”

Another question, she hesitated then she gave a detailed answer, “No!”

Meanwhile “President” Chameleon Harris will not call the border invasion a crisis. In fact she laughed at the immigrant problem.

Kamala Harris Cackles Hysterically When Asked If She'll visit the border...

“Whenever Chameleon Harris is lying or asked a question she doesn't want to answer she breaks into a hysterical cackle. With the Biden-created illegal immigration crisis going on, the illegitimate VP broke into inappropriate laughter when asked if she'd visit the border to see for herself what's going on.”

“Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Friday stared down California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris while she was laughing on stage during a press conference regarding the impeachment of President Donald Trump.”

“Harris can be seen looking back at Schumer and immediately stops laughing, while on stage with her Democratic colleagues, who have continued to call the impeachment process “somber.” The reporter who was about to ask her question paused during the brief interaction and then continued after Harris stopped laughing.”


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