Pentagon Releases UFO Reports


It was announced on MaxNews television by a Pentagon Official that they have released newly unclassified information on UFOs which are unexplained. They have come to the conclusion that they are not ours, and not from another country, but were something else. The spokesperson did not say they were extraterrestrial. He said they are far in advance of us, and we don’t know their motive. He suggested they could have been here already for a long time.

This is from a video of a real UFO seen in Mexico. There were three in that video.

However John Bachman newscaster on MaxNews brought up the theory that if the universe is so vast there must be life elsewhere, and it would change our concept of the cosmos. This is atheistic theory.

NonChristians say that the discovery of life outside the earth would destroy religion. That is one of its purposes.

This is a drawing of a UFO seen in Redlands California.

The truth is this theory is based on the Darwinian evolution hoax spread by the Illuminati to discredit the Creator.

Satan and his angels will be cast out of Heaven during the Tribulation Period and will claim to be extraterrestrials. They are preparing man for that event. They are the instigators behind the movement toward a Marxist world government of Antichrist.

The Pentagon spokesperson seemed like he knows more than he is telling. I suggest the Illuminati may be working with Satan’s angels to create advanced technology and genetically engineering bodes for Demon Spirits as Greys. These are human hybrids called Nephilim (falsely called Anunnaki which are the sons of the giant Anak and are not aliens) that were killed during the worldwide flood in 2348 BC and their descendants after the flood.


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